Frequently Asked Questions

What information do we provide for each play?
What is the best way to search the Holocaust Theater Catalog?
How do I search for titles beginning with The and A alphabetically?
How are foreign titles listed and how should I search for them?
What if I want to research plays on a certain topic, for example, ‘crime trials’?
What is the Insights section?
How do find out if an author has written other plays related to the Holocaust?
How can I find out more information about a play listed in the HTC?
Why are some play listings more complete than others?
Why is Such-n-Such play not listed in the HTC?
How do I submit a play to the site?
Why was the HTC created?
To find a play that has no rights holder contact information what should I do?

Question: What information do we provide for each play?
Answer: In addition to title, whenever possible we provide an author’s name, with his or her nationality and date of birth, a synopsis of the play, production history, dramatic form, character breakdown, cast size, original language, production rights holder and publisher access, as well as experience chronicled and other notes.

Question: What is the best way to search the Holocaust Theater Catalog?

Answer: Whether you are searching for a specific title or looking to discover new material, we have provided several different ways to search plays in the HTC.

Alphabetical Play Index
Play titles are listed alphabetically on these pages. From these pages you may click on the Play Title to view the complete listing for the play, the Nationality of Author which will take you to an index of play titles whose authors share the same nationality, or the name of the Author.

Author Index
Playwrights who have work(s) included in the HTC are listed alphabetically by last name. From the Authors Index page you may click on any of the names to explore their work in the HTC.

Experience Chronicled
This is our attempt to organize plays into specific topics of interest related to the Holocaust. Click on any of the Experience Chronicled links for a clickable listing of play titles.

Click on any of our tags and it will take you to a listing of both plays and articles from our Insights section that share the same tag. Tags are generally more specific than the Experience Chronicled index. As an example, you may search ‘Concentration and Extermination Camps’ from our Experience Chronicled listing, but ‘Theresienstadt’ is a tag.

Search Box
The search box will search the entire HTC website. This includes content from our play pages, Insights, Resources and our About section. This is the most general way to conduct a search. But if you have a specific play title you are looking for, this may also be the easiest way to find it.

Question: How do I search for titles beginning with The and A alphabetically?
Answer: Play titles beginning with The are listed under the next word in the title. For example, The History of Invulnerability is listed under H. This also applies to titles beginning with A, as in A House in the Ghetto, listed under H.

The same rule of thumb applies when searching foreign titles, i.e., if the title begins with Le, La, Les; Un, Une; Der, Das; Eine, and so on, then search the index under the next word in the title.

Question: How are foreign titles listed and how should I search for them?
Answer: An English translation of the title (when available) will precede the original title in the HTC. Therefore it’s usually a good idea to search the English title first. If there is no English translation, the foreign title will be listed in its original language.

Question: What if I want to research plays on a certain topic, for example, ‘crime trials’?
Answer: Tags are a useful way to find plays related to a certain word or name. The Experience Chronicled listings would also be a place to look for broader areas of study.

Question: What is the Insights section?
Answer: Insights section is intended to be a place for views, research and information that we feel would be of interest to our various audiences. If you would like to contribute to Insights, please contact us.

Question: How do find out if an author has written other plays related to the Holocaust?
Answer: By clicking on the author’s name, it is possible to find other plays by that author listed in the Holocaust Theater Catalog.

Question: How can I find out more information about a play listed in the HTC?
Answer: We have attempted to provide a reasonable overview for each listing, but the HTC is not a definitive guide. Many of the plays in the HTC have links to publishers, rights holders, as well as some notes on information about theater and author websites that you can use for your own further research. We also encourage you to explore the Insights section of the our site.

Question: Why are some play listings more complete than others?
Answer: There is simply more readily available material on some plays.

It is our hope that we will have the resources available to continue the growth of the HTC, allowing us to dig deeper with our research, as well as adding and expanding upon the information already in the catalog.

Question: Why is Such-n-Such play not listed in the HTC?
Answer: Do you know of a play that isn’t listed in the catalog? Please use our Play Submission form, to tell us about it.

Question: How do I submit a play to the site?
Answer: Please use our Play Submission form to tell us about it.

Question: Why was the HTC created?
Answer: Please refer to A Personal Welcome to The Holocaust Theater Catalog in our Insights section for the inspiration behind the creation of the HTC.

Question: To find a play that has no rights holder contact information what should I do?
Answer: Send us the title and author, your contact info and reason and we will respond if we can provide. We do suggest to google search the author and/or play, and contact theater that did production previously if applicable or look at Samuel French , Dramatists Play Service or contact dramatists guild if the author is a member.

Browse the Plays

Play Index


HTC Insights

Views, reference and research of interest.

A Personal Welcome to the Holocaust Theater Catalog

A Message from Arnold Mittelman After a career in not-for-profit and commercial theater spanning more than 40 years I was honored in 2007 to found the National Jewish Theater / Foundation and in 2010 to assume leadership of its Holocaust Theater International...

Lifetime Achievement Award

The National Jewish Theater Foundation presented its 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award to Alfred Uhry. The presentation took place as part of the Lincoln Center Library event on January 27th 2025 in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

Lifetime Achievement Award

On September 30, 2024, French playwright, Mr. Jean Claude Grumberg received the Lifetime Achievement Award. It was presented by NJTF HTII President, Arnold Mittelman with Dominique Trimbur, PhD-Manager for the History of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, Teaching of the Holocaust of Fondation Pour La Memoir de la Shoah Project.