The Ghettos
My Father: an Inventory [Mon père: inventaire]
The Most Precious of Cargoes [La plus précieuse des marchandises]
Tomorrow, from Any Window [Demain, une fenêtre sur rue]
The Happiest Man on Earth
Vilna: A Resistance Story
Confessions of a Butterfly: An Evening with Janusz Korczak
Remember: The Story of Abe Price
Hell on Earth: Manya Frydman Perel’s Shoah Experience
Girl in a Striped Dress: The Holocaust Story of Rosalie Lebovic Simon
Rella, Rose, and I: Elizabeth Ehrlich Roth’s Story of Survival
I am Itkolo: The Story of Itka Frajman Zygmuntowicz
Amid Falling Walls (Tsvishn Falndike Vent)
La Sinagoga de San Pablo
Thin Edge of The Wedge
Taken Generation
We Are Witnesses
For a Look or a Touch
Die Kinder der toten Stadt – Musikdrama gegen das Vergessen
Resort 76
Rise Up: Young Holocaust Heroes
The Obligation
The Best Worst Place
Waiting For Father
Charlotte: Life? or Theatre?
Mother, Mother Can You Hear?
The Stroop Report
Love Looks for an Apartment
Live News
Imagine This
Through the Darkness
Last Witnesses [Die Letzten Zeugen]
Light Falling Down
Alissa Through the Glass and Into Terezin
Harlequin in the Ghetto
The Promised Land
The Wardrobe
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler
Wild Beasts Among You
Coming to See Aunt Sophie
Butterflies No Longer Live Here
The Ladies’ Tailor of Babi Yar
Next Year in Jerusalem
Sweet Theresienstadt [Sladký Theresienstadt: Vůdce daroval Židům město]
In the Vise of Evils
Embers from the Ashes: A Girl’s Holocaust Diary
Can You Hear Them Crying?
King of the Jews
Korczak’s Children
The Rebellion at the Ghetto
Warriors of the Ghettos
The Strauss Cabarets
Prince Bettliegend (songs from the play)
Looking for a Specter
Laugh with Us
The Hofer Cabarets
Radio Show
The Death of Orpheus
The Insult
The Smoke of Home
The Treasure
And a Child Shall Lead
Silent Witnesses
Life in a Jar
Nine Suitcases
The Dybbuk
Better Don’t Talk!
To Paint the Earth
Under the Apple Tree
Fragile Fire: The Story of Mordechai and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
On the Other Side of the World
The Kid from “There”
King Matt in the Ghetto [המלך מתיא בגטו]
Dead-end Street [רחוב ללא מוצא]
Bird of the Ghetto [Der foygl fun geto]
Six in a Bunker [שישה בבונקר אחד]
I Believe in the Coming of the Messiah [אני מאמין בביאת המשיח]
Raising the Flag of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising [נס המרד בגיטו ורשה]
They Rebelled [הם מרדו]
Come My Beloved [לכה דודי]
Collaborators [משתפי פעולה]
The Good and the True
The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto
Once Upon a Time [Il était une fois]
The Attic Room
Shadows of the Holocaust
Signs of Life—A Holocaust Drama with Music
I Never Saw Another Butterfly
The Model Ghetto
Why We Laugh: A Terezín Cabaret
The Pangs of the Messiah
The Survivor
Throne of Straw
A Miracle in the Warsaw Ghetto [Der nes in geto]
The Wall
The Emigration of Adam Kurtzik
Korczak and the Children
The Eternal Light
Ghetto Tango
Korczak’s Children
The Cave
Way to Heaven
Dr. Korczak’s Example
A Star on a String [Gwiazdy na Nitce]
The Final Bill [Der Kheshbn]
To Steal a March on God
Dr. Yanush Korczak
Who Was This Man
Embers [El Rescoldo]
The Underground [במחתרת]
Ghetto [גטו]
Adam [אדם]
Janusz Korczak [יאנוש קורצ’ק]
Kastner [קסטנר]
The Storm: Tragedy of Sinai
Camp Comedy
Dreams of Beating Time
Resort 76
Dr. Korczak and His Children [Korczak und die Kinder]
The Story of Moichele
Ghetto à Varsovie
Un Opera pour Terezín
Between Death and Life
Mr. M
The Children’s Republic
Children of the Night
HTC Insights
Views, reference and research of interest.
A Personal Welcome to the Holocaust Theater Catalog
A Message from Arnold Mittelman After a career in not-for-profit and commercial theater spanning more than 40 years I was honored in 2007 to found the National Jewish Theater / Foundation and in 2010 to assume leadership of its Holocaust Theater International...
Lifetime Achievement Award
The National Jewish Theater Foundation presented its 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award to Alfred Uhry. The presentation took place as part of the Lincoln Center Library event on January 27th 2025 in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
Lifetime Achievement Award
On September 30, 2024, French playwright, Mr. Jean Claude Grumberg received the Lifetime Achievement Award. It was presented by NJTF HTII President, Arnold Mittelman with Dominique Trimbur, PhD-Manager for the History of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, Teaching of the Holocaust of Fondation Pour La Memoir de la Shoah Project.