Other Victims of Nazi Persecution
A Bright Room Called Day
Three Daughters of Salonika
Hitler’s Tasters
The Soldier and the Time Traveler
Tropical Secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba
The Tall Boy
Kingfishers Catch Fire
Miracles and Tragedies
Letters to Eve
The Glamour House
Lady of the Castle—A Chamber Opera
All Our Children
The Flame Keeper
Visions of Right
Benghazi Bergen-Belsen
The Star on My Heart
We Will Not Be Silent
The Chosen Ones
Passenger in Cabin 45 [[Pasażerka z kabiny 45]
Coming to See Aunt Sophie
The Girl on the Other Side of the Fence
Metronome Ticking
The Ladies’ Tailor of Babi Yar
Brigitte Berger
From Auschwitz to Cincinnati: the Surviving Tunes
Muse of Fire
From Man, to Beast, to Crawling Thing
I Am a Camera
Tonight: Lola Blau
Mandate Memories
Happiness of Man [אושרו של אדם]
Gas [גזים]
The Mitzvah
The Timekeepers
Incident at Vichy
The Singing Forest
The Little People
Candle in the Wind
Freja: The Cold Goddess of Love
Song of the Furnace [Der Gesang im Feuerofen]
The Devil’s General [Des Teufels General]
Der Polenweiher
Le Ciné-cadre de l’Esplanade Loreto
HTC Insights
Views, reference and research of interest.
A Personal Welcome to the Holocaust Theater Catalog
A Message from Arnold Mittelman After a career in not-for-profit and commercial theater spanning more than 40 years I was honored in 2007 to found the National Jewish Theater / Foundation and in 2010 to assume leadership of its Holocaust Theater International...
Lifetime Achievement Award
The National Jewish Theater Foundation presented its 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award to Alfred Uhry. The presentation took place as part of the Lincoln Center Library event on January 27th 2025 in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
Lifetime Achievement Award
On September 30, 2024, French playwright, Mr. Jean Claude Grumberg received the Lifetime Achievement Award. It was presented by NJTF HTII President, Arnold Mittelman with Dominique Trimbur, PhD-Manager for the History of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, Teaching of the Holocaust of Fondation Pour La Memoir de la Shoah Project.