Survivors and Subsequent Generations
No Entry
The Steel Man
Do This One Thing for Me
Torn Apart by War
Mama’s Coming Back, Poor Orphan [Maman revient pauvre orphelin]
Sleeping Child [L’Enfant Do]
My Father: an Inventory [Mon père: inventaire]
The Most Precious of Cargoes [La plus précieuse des marchandises]
Your Mother [Votre maman]
On the Way to the Promised Land: A Dental Tragedy [Vers toi Terre promise, Tragédie dentaire]
H. H.
Putting an End to the Jewish Question: To Be or Not to Be [Pour en finir avec la question juive – l’être ou pas]
Whistle: My Mother Was Mengele’s Secretary
The Happiest Man on Earth
Two Remain
Remember: The Story of Abe Price
Beautiful Findings: Lise Meitner and the Science of Forgetting
English Lessons
Holocaust Duet
Shanghai Carousel: What Tomorrow Will Be
Three Daughters of Salonika
Cafe Munich
Knocking on the Doors of History: Shanghai Jewish Refugees
The Children of the Forest
For As Long As The Lamp Is Burning
The Last Survivor
Rosa & Leo
Tikkun Olam
Here There Are Blueberries
I Was A Stranger Too
Last Days of a Translator
Remember This: The Lesson Jan Karski
Eight Nights
Kindness: A Legacy of the Holocaust
The Last Boy
The Inventor
My Dear Girl
The Soldier and the Time Traveler
For a Look or a Touch
The Singer of Shanghai, Radio Play
Long After Crystal Night
Testimonies of the Holocaust: A Dark Operatic Drama
Rosenbaum’s Rescue
The Grand Tour
Die Kinder der toten Stadt – Musikdrama gegen das Vergessen
Murmurs and Incantations
You Will Not Play Wagner
You Are the Future
Rise Up: Young Holocaust Heroes
Auschwitz and After
The Summer of Aviya, Habima
What Survives is the Fire
The War Orphans
Waiting For Father
How We Survived
To Forget, to Remember
And Our Ashes Will Be Scattered By the Wind…
Anne Frank Lives!
Roses in a Forbidden Garden
If I Forget
The Flame Keeper
Mother, Mother Can You Hear?
Aunt Lily’s Doll
Avramale, the Boy from There
Dance of Joy and Sorrow
Hanna’s Treasure Box [La Boite aux Trésors d’Hanna]
Voices of the Holocaust — Voices of the Resistance
Brass Birds Don’t Sing
Love in Dark Times
The Golem of Havana
The Book of Joseph
Through the Darkness
New Account
Traces in the Wind
Surviving Mama
Analogy/Dora: Tramontane
Cooking with the Mouth
Bubby’s Kitchen
I Will Bear Witness: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer
A Twentieth Century Passion
From Silence
Dialogs: A Father and His Son; A Mother and Her Daughter; A Man and His Little Sister
Last Witnesses [Die Letzten Zeugen]
Light Falling Down
Waiting for Godot
Distant Survivors
The Spoken and the Unspoken
Woman in the Moon
The Star on My Heart
A Splintered Soul
Hitler’s Li’l Abomination
Harlequin in the Ghetto
The Action Against Sol Schumann
The Terezín Promise
The Phoenix Cantata
Goodbye Marianne
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler
Untitled play performed at Bolkenhain Concentration Camp
Love and Exile
Hi, Hitler
Passenger in Cabin 45 [[Pasażerka z kabiny 45]
Chiune Sugihara: Unsung Hero of the Holocaust
An American in Paris
Two Charlottes [Dos Charlottes]
The Lilliput Troupe: A Play in Seven Dwarfs
Hanneke and Fiet
The Revisionist
Metronome Ticking
You, Fascinating You
Vienna, Love
For the Love of a Leica
Next Year in Jerusalem
In the Vise of Evils
Brigitte Berger
Embers from the Ashes: A Girl’s Holocaust Diary
From Auschwitz to Cincinnati: the Surviving Tunes
Full Circle
One Simple Digit
From Man, to Beast, to Crawling Thing
Beyond Me: A Song Cycle in the Key of Survival
Leah’s Train
Hiding in the Open
An Uncertain Hour
The Spirit of Life
The Goldman Project
Cold Storage
The Milliner
Chaim’s Love Song
The People’s Violin
Dr. Ruth, All the Way
The Holocaust Kid
Chaim [חיים]
Passazhirka [The Passenger]
Consequences: The Trial of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The Tin Ring
Les Specialités d’Albertine
Morgenstern in Vienna
Sophie’s Choice
Life in a Jar
Kolbe’s Gift
Better Don’t Talk!
The American Plan
The Dentist
The Devoured
The Glass Room
I Want the Whole World to See that I Can Cry
Tonight: Lola Blau
2.5 Minute Ride
Filler Up!
The Warsaw Productions
East of Berlin
Mandate Memories
On the Other Side of the World
The Secret Annex
Lost Childhood
The Sparks Fly Upward
The Kid from “There”
One of the Group [אחד מהחבר’ה]
Mania [מניה]
The Nameless Man [אדם בלי שם]
Night Fences [גדרי לילה]
The Dead Bride [הכלה המתה]
She Wasn’t There [היא לא הייתה כאן]
Why Didn’t You Come before the War?
Winter Feast [חגיגת חורף]
Stormy Ship [אניה סוערת]
Aliyah Bet [‘עלייה ב]
The Announcement [הבשורה]
Tykocin Bat-Yam [טיקוצ’ין בת ים]
Chocolate Horses [סוסי שוקולדה]
Five [חמש]
Nobody’s Little Girl Anymore [כבר לא ילדה של אף אחד]
Golgotha [גולגולתא]
Piano Fantasy [פנטזיה לפסנתר]
The Court Jesters [ליצני החצר]
Under the Domim Tree [עץ הדומים תפוס]
Aviya’s Summer [הקיץ של אביה]
Not Because of the Memories [לא בגלל הזכרונות]
The Man From There [האיש משם]
Anda [אנדה]
Shulem [שולם]
He Walked through the Fields [הוא הלך בשדות]
Cloudburst [שבר ענן]
Momik [מומיק]
Elka’s Gold [הזהב של אלקה]
Biebow [ביבוף]
Shop [מכולת]
Everyone Had Six Wings [שש כנפיים לאחד]
I’m Speaking to You in Chinese (It’s All Greek to Me) [סינית אני מדברת אלייך]
And the Rat Laughed [צחוק של עכברוש]
On Lambs and Wolves [על שיות וזאבים]
Hametz [חמץ]
Kiddush [קידוש]
The Gathering
The People in the Picture
The Good and the True
The Tattooed Man Tells All
Adam’s Daughter
Fish Men
Pearlman, Provider, Purveyor of Light
The Interview
Second Hand Smoke
Room for Doubt
The Survivor and the Translator
Born Guilty
Andy and the Shadows
The Invasion of Skokie
Unfinished Stories
Blue Light
The Survivor
Photo Opportunity
The Model Apartment
Old Wicked Songs
Annula: An Autobiography
Fragments of Isabella
An Angel from Auschwitz
A Shayna Maidel
I Love You, I Love You Not
Letters to Sala
Bad Jews
Three Kinds of Exile (Act 1)
Compulsion or The House Behind
Imagining Heschel
The Retributionists
Before She Is Even Born
The Survivors: Six One-Act Dramas
The Pianist of Willesden Lane
See Under: Love [עייך ערך אהבה]
Date of Death
Hitler’s Victims
Angel: A Nightmare in Two Acts
The Soap Myth
Letters to an Alien
Night and Fog
Eavesdropping on Dreams
The Substance of Fire
Me-afelah le’or Gadol
Goldberg’s Kaddish
The Deliverance of Jacob
A Star on a String [Gwiazdy na Nitce]
Freja: The Cold Goddess of Love
Conversations with the Executioner
To Steal a March on God
The Empty Field [Puste Pole]
The Table
Black Sand
The World of Stone
Punch Me in the Stomach
If This Is a Man (Se questo è un uomo: versionne drammatica)
La Ragazza di Dachau
Children of the Shadows [ילדי הצל]
Ghetto [גטו]
The Heir [היורש]
A New Reckoning [חשבון חדש]
Piwnica [פיביניצה]
The Burning Season [העונה הבוערת]
Arbeit macht frei vom Toitland Europa [ארבייט מאכט פריי]
Uncle Arthur [הדוד ארתור]
Lady of the Castle [בעלת הארמון]
The Last Jew [היהודי האחרון]
The Reunion [החזרה]
Bells and Trains [פעמונים ורכבות]
Adam Son of a Dog [אדם בן כלב]
Adam’s Purim Party [מסיבת הפורים של אדם]
Weisman and Copperface [Weisman und Rotgesicht: ein jüdischer Western]
The Cannibals [Die Kannibalen]
What Does Peace Mean?
The Ceremony
The Interview
The Investigation [Die Ermittlung]
Eiche und Angora
Tales from Landshut
The Story of Moichele
Dreams [Träume]
Address Unknown
The Puppetmaster of Lodz [Le Marionnettiste de Lodz]
The Workroom [L’Atelier]
Les Sept possibilités du train 713 en partance d’Auschwitz
The Infant Rat [L’Enfant-rat]
The Second Life of Tatenberg Camp [La Seconde existence du camp de Tatenberg]
Les Chants d’amour des alphabets d’Auschwitz
Who Will Carry the Word? [Qui rapportera ces paroles?]
Scene in Memory
Kalavrita des mille Antigone
Still the Night
For This Moment Alone
Violences à Vichy
Hasid: A Play in Seven Scenes
Crawling from the Wreckage [Et toi, comment as-tu fait?]
Storms Still [Toujours l’orage]
Mr. M
Z: A Meditation on Oppression, Desire and Freedom
The Quarrel
Jim the Lionhearted [Jim le téméraire]
Eve of Retirement [Von dem Ruhestand]
HTC Insights
Views, reference and research of interest.
A Personal Welcome to the Holocaust Theater Catalog
A Message from Arnold Mittelman After a career in not-for-profit and commercial theater spanning more than 40 years I was honored in 2007 to found the National Jewish Theater / Foundation and in 2010 to assume leadership of its Holocaust Theater International...
Lifetime Achievement Award
The National Jewish Theater Foundation presented its 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award to Alfred Uhry. The presentation took place as part of the Lincoln Center Library event on January 27th 2025 in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
Lifetime Achievement Award
On September 30, 2024, French playwright, Mr. Jean Claude Grumberg received the Lifetime Achievement Award. It was presented by NJTF HTII President, Arnold Mittelman with Dominique Trimbur, PhD-Manager for the History of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, Teaching of the Holocaust of Fondation Pour La Memoir de la Shoah Project.