Enacting History:A Practical Guide to Teaching the Holocaust through Theater
Mira Hirsch, Janet E. Rubin, Arnold Mittelman, Routledge, 2020
Plays of the Holocaust: An International Anthology
Elinor Fuchs, Theatre Communications Group; First Edition edition, 1993
Stages of Annihilation: Theatrical Representations of the Holocaust
Edward R. Isser, Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997
Spectacular Suffering: Theatre, Fascism, and the Holocaust
Vivan M. Patraka, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1999
Performing Captivity, Performing Escape: Cabarets and Plays from the Terezin/Theresienstadt Ghetto
Lisa Peschel with a Preface by Ivan Klíma Seagull Books
Holocaust Drama: The Theater of Atrocity
Gene A. Plunka, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009
Staging Holocaust Resistance
Gene A. Plunka, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
Revering the Nazis and Blaming the Victims: Three Enigmatic Holocaust Plays
Gene A. Plunka, Holocaust Studies 18, no. 1 (2012): 61-84.
The Jewish Kulturbund Theatre Company in Nazi Berlin
Rebecca Rovit, University Iowa Press, 2013
Theatrical Performance during the Holocaust: Texts, Documents, Memoirs
Rebecca Rovit & Alvin Goldfarb, The Johns Hopkins University Press edition, 1999
Staging the Holocaust: The Shoah in Drama and Performance
Claude Schumacher, ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998
The Darkness We Carry: The Drama of the Holocaust
Robert Skloot, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1998
A Multiplicity of Annes
Robert Skloot, ASSAPH: STUDIES IN THEATRE, v. 22-23 (Tel Aviv, 2009), 196-198
The Theatre of the Holocaust, Volume 1: Four Plays
Robert Skloot, University of Wisconsin Press, 1983
The Theatre of the Holocaust, Volume 2: Six Plays
Robert Skloot, University of Wisconsin Press, 1999
Israeli Holocaust Drama
Michael Taub, ed., Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996