A Message from Arnold Mittelman After a career in not-for-profit and commercial theater spanning more than 40 years I was honored in 2007 to found the National Jewish Theater / Foundation and in 2010 to assume leadership of its Holocaust Theater International...
From Man, to Beast, to Crawling Thing
Author(s): Yale Strom
The play is about two Holocaust survivors, one a Jew (Yankl) and the other a Roma (Janos) who meet each other on a road to their respective hometowns. They find out that they are from the same town and begin their journey together as they walk home and talk about their pasts, including what happen to each of them in the concentration camps. They still hold some stereotypical prejudices against each other and come to realize that these biases are ridiculous since they both ended up in Auschwitz with their families and friends going up in smoke in the chimney flues. By the end, they have grown closer, though the Roma survivor Janos holds a very dark secret that makes it almost impossible for him to enter his hometown.
Format: Drama with music
Cast Size:10M/8F
Original or Prominent Production:
Workshopped at the San Diego Repertory Theatre and at the Streisand New Play Presentation at the La Jolla JCC.
Workshopped at the San Diego Repertory Theatre and at the Streisand New Play Presentation at the La Jolla JCC.
Nationality of Author: U.S.
Original Language: English, some Yiddish and Romani
Production Rights Holder:
HTC Insights
Views, reference and research of interest.
Many Questions and a Few Answers
by Robert Skloot 2022 NJTF HTII Lifetime Achievement Award AHO Winter Conference, Miami, FL I’d like to begin my remarks by asking the question that all of us have been asked often: “Why do you do the work you do?” There are, of course, many answers, but I’d imagine...
Comments to the Association of Holocaust Organizations (AHO) Conference
Teresa Eyring Executive Director Theatre Communications Group (TCG) AHO Conference, Miami, FL TCG is a national organization for theatre, based in New York. Our mission is to lead for a just and thriving theatre ecology. And we have numerous programs and services,...